Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I don't know what I am doing

     Well, in true blond fashion, my daughter set up my first blog spot and 2 weeks later I couldn't remember any of the info we used to get it started so...I had to start over.  Talk about waste, my brain cells are flying to the wind at an alarming rate.  Anyway, I am ready to start my year of doing my best not to waste a thing.  By that I mean food, money, time, or the all important aluminium foil. I paid 8 dollars for a roll of foil the other day!!! 
      I will start with food.  What I mean by not wasting food  is that I will try to control my guilt feelings  that I get in the store when I realize that there is only one vegetable  in my shopping cart.  I am sure that the checker has  better things to do than to count my vegetables  but, I can not take any chances so I go  back down the fruit and vegetable isle and buy things that I know I will be throwing out in a week and a half.  Scraps, as my Nanny called them, meaning what is left from dinner, will be made into something else or fed to one of my thousands of animals.  There is also the possibility of freezing,but at this time my freezer is full of those cinnamon rolls you buy from kids at Christmas time at Church.
     Money will be next.  I clipped coupons for the first time in a long time Sunday.  I used to let my kids clip them and if we used them, they got the money, and that was their allowance.  We were much poorer then and my older kids were glad to have the 3 dollars, or what ever they could get.  My youngest has lived a life of ease.  She wouldn't even clip her own toenails for 3 dollars.  My husband is the other spoiled one in the family.  We have 6 televisions in our house.  Only 3 people live here.  I think that is insanity!  Now I will admit, he does not buy anything new.  He waits until someone who is sicker than he is that is ready to  upgrade and then he makes his purchase.  He informed me that he was hot on the trail of a "sick man" about to upgrade after only 6 months.  He is ready to pounce!  My first inclination was to say NO WAY!  but, I have learned that when I say that to him, it is interpreted "Now you have to do it to prove you are a man".  So I tried reasoning with him.  I was given no response but I will not be surprised to see him drive up the driveway any day with a new TV in the back.  Needless to say, I just don't want to buy anything this year that we really don't need.
     Time.  Now many of you might say that blogging is a waste of time.  At one point in my life I would have agreed with you.  However,  In the past 2 years, my life has changed dramatically.  At one point I  had my 21 year old son, his 21 year old friend. my 20 year old daughter,  my 19 year old nephew, and my 14 year old daughter living at home.  In one swoop, whoosh, they were all gone but 1.  My baby girl who informs me on a regular basis that she does not need me.  What am I going to do?  I have decided to replace my brain cells that I lost as a young mother with what I have hear called "adult conversation".
     Now on to aluminium foil.  I was very lucky growing up to spend a lot of time with my Nanny.  She was my maternal grandmother.  She lived during the Great Depression.  She lived every day after that living with the reality that tomorrow it could all be gone.  She instilled in my a strong desire to not waste food., which might be the reason I am 50 lbs. overweight, but she also taught me so many things that I think in this time can be useful.  The reality is for all of us, it could all be gone tomorrow.  You don't have to be a genius to know that our government has got us in quite a pickle.  Even if we are able to put a stop to some of the madness that is proposed by our government, we have a ton of stuff that has to be undone.  In the background at my house John Boehner is saying " We can no longer kick the can down the road"  It is time to fix this thing.  We are all going to have to work together to get America back.  My Nanny's made many sacrifices to help her family, her neighbors, her church, and her country get back on track.  It started with the aluminium foil.  It is a small thing, but it was a start.  I am going to follow in her footsteps and take what "Bob" calls baby steps. 

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