Friday, January 7, 2011

The Dark Side

     I wonder if hoarding is a new disease or if it has been around for centuries.  I can not remember in my childhood ever knowing anyone that had a house so filled to the brim that you could not move around in it.  I knew lousy housekeepers, and people that raised chickens in their kitchens, but I don't think I ever saw anyone that just had a house full of crap like the people you see on TV.  If you have never watched the show "Hoarders, Buried Alive"  you should.  It will make you feel good about yourself, unless of course you are a hoarder.  In that case it will make you feel very bad.  What goes on in someones head that makes them crossover from being thrifty to being a hoarder?    I just want to make sure that does not happen to me.  This is the first time I have really allowed myself to indulge in this squirrel mentality.  Will I go over to the dark side?  Soon will my house be filled with used mounds of used Ziploc bags, will there be piles of clothes waiting to be worn with the tags still on them, will the doggie police come and take my animals and tell me this is not a safe place for them??????   That always kills me when they do that...they take the animals because its is too unsanitary for them to live there but they let the people stay.  Anyway, is this going to happen to  me?  I can already see the beginning of it.  Before New Years I had been saving my plastic shopping bags, I had gathered them all up to take them back to Wal-Mart and I realized they were gone.  My husband had thrown them away.  I actually thought about digging through our dumpster to fish them out.  Thankfully he stopped me.  You know what I think it is? Fear.  Yoda said it best "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering."  I don't know what that has to do with waste but it sounds good.  I think you cross to the dark side when your not just trying to do the right thing, you become obsessed with it, to the point that you are fearful that something  bad will happen if you don't save it.  I can see  myself crossing over very easily.    I have to keep my head on straight.
     Yesterday I talked about throwing crap in the yard for the worms to eat.  As I went to empty my composting bowl, a hoard of flies came out of it.  As I dumped it I could see that the bowl was full of maggots.   I immediately began gagging and screaming.  I threw the bowl as far as I could.  I had been complaining about the flies in January for a few days.  Now I knew where they came from.  Do you know how bad that must have smelled!  In my defense, my entire family has been down with the flu for a week so no one can smell anything.  I have got to come up with a  better plan for getting my kitchen scraps outside in a timely manner, lest the doggie police come and remove my animals for they are living in an unsafe environment.

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